Class Scenario.





parameters of constructor.


List of the default parameters.


Class Scenario represents a concentration profile to build a concentration matrix.

Function to get default constructor parameters of class Scenario.

Constructor method of Scenario Class.

Wrapper function Scenario.


Slots of the class:

tunit Time length of a single gas pulse. The unity value means experiments with steady-state sensor signals. The default value is 1.
gases Gas indices.
ngases The number of gases.
gnames Names of gases.
concUnits Concentration units external to the model, values given in an input concentration matrix.
concUnitsInt Concentration units internal to the model.
df Data frame of a concentration profile with the columns: names of gases (gnames), time, set, lab and tpoint.

Methods of the class:

add<- A replacement method to add gas pulses to the object.
getConc Get the concentration matrix of the object.

The plot method has one type (parameter y):

time Shows the concentration of gases over time.


# scenario object (empty): default initialization sc <- Scenario(tunit = 60) # add data to add(sc) <- list("A", 0.05, 2) add(sc) <- list("B", 0.05, 2) add(sc) <- list("C", 1, 2) add(sc) <- list(c("A", "B", "C"), c(0.02, 0.04, 0.5), 2) # scenario object: custom initialization set <- c("A 0.05", "B 0.05", "C 1", "A 0.02, B 0.04, C 0.5") sc <- Scenario(tunit = 60, T = set, nT = 2, V = set, nV = 2) # a real example of Scenario sc <- Scenario(name = "Regression", tunit = 60, concUnits = "perc", T = c("A 0.01", "A 0.02", "A 0.05"), nT = 30, V = c("A 0.01", "A 0.02", "A 0.05"), nV = 30, randomize = TRUE) sc
Scenario `Regression` of 180 samples, tunit 60, randomize TRUE - gases A, B, C - Training Set: A 0.01 (30), A 0.02 (30), A 0.05 (30) - Validation Set: A 0.01 (30), A 0.02 (30), A 0.05 (30)
add(sc) <- list("A", 0.03, 30, "T") add(sc) <- list("A", 0.04, 30, "T") sc
Scenario `Regression` of 240 samples, tunit 60, randomize TRUE - gases A, B, C - Training Set: A 0.01 (30), A 0.02 (30), A 0.03 (30), A 0.04 (30), A 0.05 (30) - Validation Set: A 0.01 (30), A 0.02 (30), A 0.05 (30)
# get information about the sensor show(sc)
Scenario `Regression` of 240 samples, tunit 60, randomize TRUE - gases A, B, C - Training Set: A 0.01 (30), A 0.02 (30), A 0.03 (30), A 0.04 (30), A 0.05 (30) - Validation Set: A 0.01 (30), A 0.02 (30), A 0.05 (30)
Scenario `Regression` - 240 samples - 3 gases A, B, C - tunit: 60
## Not run: plot(sc)

plot(sc, facet = FALSE, concUnits = 'norm')

## End(Not run) # extract conc. matrix from scenatio conc <- getConc(sc) print(head(conc))
A B C 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 6 0 0 0